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Ezekiel Lyon Goh

Chief Slave to the animals

Judging at Japan Betta Fellow's International Betta Show 2018

Lyon's passion for animals started since young when he was given his first hamster at the age of 6 and brought it home without telling his parents. He started to seriously read up about fish keeping after the fishes he brought home from a school trip kept dying. At 15 years old, he won his first award at the 3rd National Betta Competition and has since been into fish keeping.


He was awarded the licence to judge show Betta splendens at the age of 17 by the International Betta Congress (IBC) in 2005, the youngest judge in the world at that point in time. He has been invited to judge Betta shows and conduct seminars around the world since attaining the certification. Lyon has also served on the Judging Board in the IBC from 2019 to 2021, updating and creating new standards used in IBC sanctioned shows around the world. 


Lyon also ran Ezekiel Lyon Bettas, an ornamental fish export company based in Thailand from 2013 to 2018, supplying pet and show grade Bettas to cities such as Brisbane, Guangzhou, Osaka, Shandong, Taichung, and Singapore. While in Thailand, he also dabbled in breeding show grade Holland Lop Rabbits. 


Lyon started Kettle Labradors in 2022, with an emphasis on not only producing healthy and sound Labrador Retrievers, but also advocating for well bred dogs in Singapore. He has a Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Science (2022) but is too broke to further his studies in the field of Veterinary Science.


Lyon has no free time due to the doggos but enjoys posting memes on his Facebook page with what little time he has left for himself.



When Lyon was a slave to fishes

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