Blog and Resources
Hard truths about getting a puppy......
The uncensored truth about having Labrador Retrievers
Temperament, Structure, Type, and why is it important
The importance of correct structure in Labradors
Well Bred V.S. Poorly Bred and Mixed Breeds
So now I have a dog, is it a good idea to add another?
So you want to breed your dog?
Considerations for selecting a dog breed
Green flags, yellow flags and red flags
How much effort and money goes into breeding dogs ethically?
Why are Labrador Retrievers made the way they are?
Useful Resources
Facebook groups to join
These Facebook groups have helped me greatly in my learning journey on Labrador Retrievers and well bred dogs. Look through old posts and group files for in-depth discussions on various topics and very useful resources. These groups are run by professionals and contributors provide very accurate advices.
Resources on Dog Food by Organisations and Veterinary professionals
WSAVA Guidelines
Petfoodology by Cummings Veterinary Medical Center
Separating Fact from Fiction: Nutritional Advice on the Internet
Training Tips
I'm not a qualified trainer so I will not be offering any training advices but do check out these YouTube channels on training your dog. These channels helped me greatly in the preparation of my house for dogs, as well as giving great training tips.
Animal Welfare Groups in Singapore
Voices for Animals
*Please email me if I have missed out any AWGs!